Thursday, December 30, 2010

I am me, you are you and we are we

My children got excited after I told them about Mom's new diary.. so, here is a little introduction to my kiddies and our life.

Ines is our fashionista, our princess.
She is 2yrs, but nearly 3.. -11 nights actually to her Big 3!
We know because she asks us everyday...she has already  HerBigDay booked and  planned..
 ( gonna be a busy day if we try to make it all happen ;).

.. she wants doll's make-up as present and jewellery. She has also given us a new meaning of clothes and dressing up.. she changes her clothes 5 times a day, she has for instance " tv-kläder" = tv watching outfit, and is completely amazed why we dont have? She loves Flowers, Dora The Explorer and suprise, Hello Kitty.

Unbelievable little girl. We just love her.

She is going to be one  tough cookie when she grows up..
Very wild, always climbing to the highest spot in playparks and looking for the maximum action.

Oskar is our 5yrs old Lego-boy. He could be sitting for hours on this little Lego desk, in his own world.. a dreamer.

I found this plastic lego-table set with 2 chairs from a fleetmarket in Helsinki 1yr ago, paid 12euros for it. The best buy I ever found on a fleetmarket. He loves that table.

He is also a TV-boy and likes to watch Disney- movies and kids concerts
they actually both are,
we are a TV-family.

so after seen many movies kids love to dress up on different role-play outfits. My mother was here visiting us 2wks ago and she bought Oskar this Woody-outfit from ToyStory,
Oskar loves that movie and that outfit so much that he has been  "Woody"  pretty much since he got it  -incl Christmas. It was difficult to get it away from him for 1 night to wash it .

Summasummarum..even though they have my temper that is a.k.a  Ferrari Engine, they are fantastic kids!
Oskar just loves his little princessmonstersister,  looks after her all the time .. I can hear them talk sometimes and I hear how he nags at her for "misbehaving":
" hey, dont be stupid, you cant do that you are going to be hurt, Im gonna tell Mom you did that"

We are very proud of them.

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HEY YOU; Your thoughts are precious;