Saturday, January 1, 2011

Herb It Up!

New Year brings always some promises and plans and hopes.. I have no huge promises to change my world in anyway. Only thing I hope for is a small "roofgarden" : want to grow more herbs and flowers and maybe something funny with children.

We are lucky enough to live in apartment with a huge roof terrace, sun shines all day and its very comfortable. Cant wait winter to pass and  make it  green.

Basil is a must in our family, we always have one growing somewhere.
This is what we have now in our kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. Pitkamies kasvattaa kans! Tomaatteja ollaan odoteltu jo kolme kuukauttaa. Siemenista siis:-)
    Mutta thai ja tavallinen basilika kasvaa ikkunalla todella hyvin. Nyt on tulossa chilia siemenista mutta sekin nayttaa kestavan.


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